Generally Confirming to IS 6087-1971, HSN-8203 - A tin cutter also known as tin snips is used to cut metal sheets. Though it looks like ordinary scissors it is more sturdy and allows control for precise cutting.
Where to Buy
A tin cutter also known as tin snips is used to cut metal sheets. Though it looks like ordinary scissors it is more sturdy and allows control for precise cutting.
Here are the features of the Jhalani Tin cutter:
This hand tool is used for cutting metal sheets precisely.
It cuts the two thick metal pieces safely, efficiently, and quickly.
Sharp cutting edges for swift action.
Cutting edges are induction hard which makes it sturdy
It is drop-forged from high-quality carbon steel.
Ferreterro Tools are the leading manufacturer and exporter of Tin cutter.
Order your set today and make your metal sheet cutting easy.